Foreign nationals can buy a property in Turkey if they follow Article 35 of the Land Registry Law numbered 2644. Foreigners do not require a residency permit in Turkey to buy real estate. The limits on foreigners purchasing a home are stated in Article 35 of the applicable statute as follows; As long as legal constraints are followed, foreign national real persons who are citizens of the countries designated by the President of the Republic in instances needed by international bilateral ties and the country’s interests may purchase real estate and restricted real rights in Turkey.
The entire quantity of real estate obtained by foreign real persons and restricted real rights of an independent and permanent character Its area cannot exceed percent 10 of the district area subject to private property and thirty hectares per person across the country.
What should foreigners know before buying a home in Turkey?Foreign nationals interested in purchasing a home in Turkey should gather the following information prior to the sale.It is important to determine whether countries’ residents are eligible to purchase real estate in Turkey by applying to the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (Foreign Affairs Department), Land Registry Directorates, or the Republic of Turkey’s Embassies and ConsulatesIt is required to establish that the property to be acquired is not located inside the military security zone. This information can be accessed by contacting the Land Registry Directorate’s authorized command. It is not permissible to sell properties to foreigners if the property is located within the security zone.The deal can be completed after acquiring information about the restrictions placed on foreigners purchasing real estate in Turkey.
What Are The Steps That Foreigners Must Take When Purchasing A Home?
Foreign nationals who wish to purchase a home in Turkey must first schedule an appointment to complete the title deed transfer process. Online appointments can be arranged through the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre’s Land Registry Appointment System. Appointments can be arranged by dialing 181 in the nation or +90 312 593 99 00 from outside the country. The following documents are necessary for real estate sales to foreign nationals:
- Real estate contract
- Identity card or passport (Translation of these documents can be requested if necessary.)
- Municipality issued real estate market certificate
- Policy on Compulsory Earthquake Insurance
- Report on Real Estate Valuation
A real estate appraisal report must also be obtained. The real estate value report is valid for three months from the date of issuance. The appraisal report, which specifies the value of the real estate in the time to be acquired, must also be entered in the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre’s online TAKBIS system.
However, ifyouhave a friend withwhomyouhavebeen in contactforinformationbeforetomoving in Turkey, youmightapproachhimforassistance. Theassistance of an experiencedindividualwhoknowsTurkishand is well-versed in Turkishhome leasing processes can makeyourtaskmucheasierduringthehouserentingprocess.
Ifyouhavecertaincriteriaforrenting an apartment, youwillsave time andeffortsbysearchingaccordingtothesecriteria.Youcouldvaluebeingclosetothehospitalorthegym, forexample. As a result, keeptheserequirements in mindwhenlookingfor a rentalapartment.Eveniftherentfor an apartment is withinyourbudgetandyoulike it, iftransportation is an issue, it will not be veryusefulorpleasantforyou. Sokeepthingsliketransportationandparking in mind.
Make a LeaseAgreement
A leaseagreement is a writteninstrumentthatformalizesthelandlord’sdepartureforthetenant’susage as well as thetenant’suse of theunitviarentpayment. Italsoserves as a safeguardforthepartiesagainstanyfuturecomplications.
Whenyoudecidetorenttheapartmentyouareinterested in, make a leasing agreement in twocopieswiththelandlord.
Subscriptionsforutilitiessuch as electricityandwaterareavailable. Furthermore, somehouseshave a “due,” which is themonthlybuildingmaintenancecost. These “subscriptions” can be quitecostly, especially in mansionswithextensivesocialamenities. As a result, beforesigning a lease, doublechecktheamount of due.